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Are you accompanied by stress, fast pace of life, improper nutrition, lack of exercise? All this can cause many civilization diseases and non-specific ailments, often difficult to diagnose. The non-invasive Vieva device comes to your aid, which enables extensive diagnostics and gives you valuable tips about your problems and ailments. Vieva is a computer analysis of the human body based on biofeedback based on cellular biological resonance. Many years of research by German specialists led to the construction of a device that gives insight into the state of the body at the cellular level. Vieva Computer Health Analysis is a great diagnostic tool, it provides valuable knowledge about the functioning of your body and your health. Our experienced therapist carefully analyzes your results and suggests natural methods to restore your well-being. Find 3 minutes for your health – sign up for Vieva’s express diagnostics at the Sante Therapy Centre.

FAQ - najczęściej zadawane pytania

1. What is the difference between Vieva diagnostics and SCIO diagnostics?

2. How to prepare for Vieva diagnostics?

3. Can diagnostics be used by children?

4. Czym się różni diagnostyka Vieva od badań medycznych?

5. Jakie są przeciwwskazania do diagnostyki Vieva?

Umów się na wizytę już dziś!

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